Q. How do I put books on reserve for a course?

I am a faculty member and would like to put some books on reserve for a course, what is the procedure?

Last Updated: Oct 25, 2016     Views: 17

Course Readings / Course Reserve Shelves


For each course, the library can place a copy of each book containing assigned reading on a reserve shelf. These books are non-circulating during the semester and always available for consultation. The reserve shelves are located near the photocopiers in the library.

Please send a list of your course reserve books to nylibrary@sia.edu.  Provide as much citation information as possible (title, author, date published, edition, publisher)

In order to guarantee timely availability, the library requires sufficient advance notice from faculty if print material is to be placed on the reserve shelves and purchased in time for the start of the semester.  

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