Q. Can the library check over my paper for me?

Can the library check my citations and my references? Can the library quickly read through my paper and proof read it?

Last Updated: Nov 15, 2016     Views: 87

The library does not provide editing/proofreading services.  

  • If you can plan in advance, check with your course instructor to see if he or she is available to review the paper. You can also ask a classmate or friend to read it, or offer to proofread/peer-edit each other's work. 
  • If you are seeking assistance with how to cite sources, the Library has citation resources available.

Writing Tutors

Sotheby's Institute of Art in New York does offer Writing support; please understand that a writing tutor is different from an editor or a proofreader.  While copyediting may improve a single essay, it will not help you improve your skills as a writer.  To that end, please do not ask, or expect, that a tutor will proofread your paper, correct grammatical errors for you, or make sure you get an A. 

Writing support at Sotheby’s Institute is designed to help students at every level write cogent, well-researched, and well-structured essays.  Our tutors provide a second set of eyes as fellow writers, and understand that professional writers also need to seek the opinion of a second reader as an essential part of the writing (and thinking) process.

Set up a session with one of our tutors: writingsupport@sia.edu



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